Occasionally, a patron may request to have their data deleted under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If a promoter receives a request to delete data, you can do so under the patron's CRM profile by pressing the trash can on their profile. This will remove all the patron's info from VBO and replace it with ***** symbols. 

This action can not be undone

Deleting customer data is based on your organization's policies. For example, an organization may need to keep data on file for 1 year in case of chargeback requests. Please review your own policies and the GDPR guide listed above. 

Here is where the data is deleted on the CRM profile. Just click the trash can to delete the info. 

Image Placeholder

Your patrons may request to have their data deleted. They will need to have an account and access the option to request data deletion by going to their "My Account" page in the VBO Plugin.

Image Placeholder

After clicking the "I wish to erase my data" text, it will inform them to contact your organization. You, the VBO Tickets account holder, may then delete the patron's data from their profile.