Placeholders are easy to implement and very useful if you are trying to add dynamic data into your HTML templates.

Placeholders will be replaced with their content when certain documents are rendered. All you have to do is add them to your templates as text.

You may use placeholders to hide containers or elements.
Using {placeholder + _HIDE} will print a display:none; if the placeholder value is empty or 0. It can be inserted into any style attribute.

Order related promoter templates offer the following placeholders.
Numeric id of your order
Numeric id of the sales transaction
Numeric id of the refund transaction
Numeric id of either the sales or refund transaction
Prefix of the transaction
Alternative id of the order
Numeric id of the parent order
Date of the order
Date + Time of the order
Time of the order
A name associated the order
Information associated with the order
Amount of tickets in the order
Total amount of the order
Shipping amount of the order
Service fees of the order
Sum facility fees of the order
Order fees of the order
Sum tax of the order
Total without fees and shipping
Cash received in boxoffice
Cash total
Cash to be handed out in boxoffice
Payment warning level that has been sent to the user
Date + time of last payment warning
Open amounts of the order
Date + time that open amount is due to
Numeirc id of the attached account
First name of either account or billing info
Last name of either account or billing info
Company of either account or billing info
Emailaddress of either account or billing info
Phone of either account or billing info
Mobile phone of either account or billing info
Suffix of the account
Title of the account
Salutation of the account
Birthdate of the account
Name of your organisation
Numeric id of your organisation
Logo of your organisation
Primary email of your organisation
Primary phone of your organisation
Support name of your organisation
Support email of your organisation
Support phone of your organisation
Website of your organisation
Footer of your organisation
Event name of the first ticket in the order
Event date name of the first ticket in the order
Event date of the first ticket in the order
Event date + time of the first ticket in the order
Event time of the first ticket in the order
Venue name of the first ticket in the order
Numeric Venue id of the first ticket in the order
Venue phone of the first ticket in the order
Venue email of the first ticket in the order
Name of the user that processed the transaction in boxoffice
Table containing information about all order payments
Table containing information about all order items
Table containing a summary of all order items
Table containing detailed tax information
Information about child orders
Information about gift cards that may be in the order
A message that can be set up in certain gateways to display if there is an open balance (Applies to unpaid check and invoice payments)
A label containing the type of transaction (SALE or REFUND)

For all address information there are the following placeholders available.
Possible prefixes are VENUE, ORG, BILL and SHIP (e.g. {BILLADDRESS,}  {ORGADDRESS}, ...)

 {prefix + ADDRESS}
 {prefix + ADDRESS1}
 {prefix + ADDRESS2}
 {prefix + STREET}
 {prefix + STREET1}
 {prefix + STREET2}
 {prefix + CITY}
 {prefix + STATE}
 {prefix + ZIP}, {prefix + ZIPCODE}
 {prefix + COUNTRY}
 {prefix + ADDRESSFULL}